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Top tips for coping with grief and loss

Top tips for coping with grief and loss

  • February 5, 2025.

No matter what kind of loss you suffer, there is no set way to grieve. However, it is important to understand the types and stages of grief to find healthier means to cope. People grieve as a natural reaction to loss. Also, one goes through emotional suffering when someone or something one cares for is taken away. Very frequently, the pain of losing someone close can be overwhelming. A person can experience different types of unexpected and difficult emotions ranging from anger or shock to profound sadness, guilt, and disbelief. Additionally, the agony of grief may also harm your physical health, thus making it tough to eat, sleep or think straight. All these are normal responses to loss and if the loss is more significant, a person’s grief becomes more intense. One of the biggest challenges in our lives is to cope with the loss of something or someone we love. One may relate grieving with a loved one’s death as frequently the reason for profound grief. However, any type of loss may lead to grief, such as:

  • A miscarriage
  • Financial instability
  • Retirement   
  • Unemployment
  • Bad health
  • Relationship breakup or divorce
  • Selling a family home
  • Feeling unsafe after trauma
  • Loss of a close friendship
  • Serious ailment of a loved one
  • Loss of a precious dream
  • Death of a pet


The surprising part is even tiny losses in one’s life may trigger an emotion of grief. For instance, one might grieve when they move away from home, change jobs, or graduate from college. No matter what type of loss you are going through, it is absolutely personal to you. Therefore, do not feel embarrassed about your feelings. Do not ever feel that you should grieve only for certain losses in your life. In case a person, situation, relationship, or animal was precious to you, it is quite natural to mourn the loss you are going through. Whatever could be the reason for grief, the pain will gradually subside with the passage of time. You will slowly accept your loss and discover new meaning in your life at some point in life.


Approach family members and friends
The anguish associated with grief and loss can frequently make you withdraw from people and retreat into the shell. If you have the face-to-face support of some people, it becomes easier to heal from your loss. Although you may be uncomfortable discussing your emotions under normal situations, it is crucial to share them when you are grieving. It is the perfect time to get support from people who love you though you consider yourself to be self-sufficient and strong. Instead of avoiding them, you should get closer to your dear ones and friends. Spend quality time with them face to face. Welcome the support they offer. There are several occasions when people wish to support and yet are clueless about how to do so. It is better to tell them what your requirements are. You may want their shoulder to shed your tears, a person to hang out with or want a listening ear. Do you feel that there is no one in your life with whom you may connect regularly? It is not too late to build new friendships and relationships.


Follow religious traditions Do you follow certain religious traditions? Accept the comfort you get by following the mourning rituals. Certain spiritual activities may appear meaningful to you. These include going to church, meditating, or praying. You will get a lot of peace by following these activities regularly. In case you doubt the faith after the loss, speak to someone in your religious community or a clergy member.


Acknowledge the fact there are several people who are uncomfortable in comforting a person who is grieving
People who are mourning will tell you that grief can be a frightening and confusing emotion, particularly if they did not experience a similar loss before. Such people may feel uncertain about how to make you feel comfortable and may end up doing or saying the wrong thing. However, never use it as an excuse to get back into your shell and start avoiding social contacts. You should realize that in case a loved one or a friend tries to come close to you, it is because they love you.


Get in touch with a reputed grief counselor or psychiatrist
Consult a good psychiatrist if you feel the grief is too much to handle. Discover a mental health expert who has some years of experience in grief counseling. A reputed therapist can assist you to cope with your intense feeling, as well as help you to stop grieving.


Take care of your physical and mental health while grieving 
If you are grieving, it is extremely crucial to take care of your mental and physical health. Too much stress due to a significant loss may swiftly take away your emotional reserves and energy. We recommend you to look after your emotional and physical needs to bring you out of a difficult time. Are you having a tough time coping with your loss and grief? Make sure you contact Kaiser Permanente for quality and reasonably priced mental healthcare solutions.

Schedule with one of our Kaiser counselors specializing in grief here