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Category: Counseling and Therapy

Denver Therapy Series on Obamacare: Blog 6

In the history of our nation, Title IV is the most purposeful and aspiring legislation ever written to prevent illness and disability.

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medication on table
Denver Therapy Series on Obamacare: Blog 5

Title III: Improving the cost, quality, effectiveness, and compassion of health and mental health care in the US. This title improves

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taking a prescription pill
Denver Therapy Series on Obamacare: Blog 4

Title II addresses Medicaid. Low income people are now eligible, not just those who are disabled or who are parents or are children.

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physician showing a patient test results
Denver Therapy Series on Obamacare: Blog 3

Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans This title prevents health insurers from imposing pre-existing, annual benefit

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Denver Therapy Series on Obamacare: Blog 2

Obamacare is the latest in a long history of attempts to address and repair  the nation’s health care problems. For example, the

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doctor writing notes on a clipboard
Denver Therapy Series on Obamacare: Blog 1

As a public service, Westside Behavioral Care in Denver, CO, is providing a series of blog posts explaining several important aspects

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Family Constellations

Written by therapist Annie Hutt I am trained in family systems and I have learned to see individuals through the lens of their family,

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The Affordable Care Act and Mental Health

America’s inadequate mental health care was thrust into the spotlight in 2013 following the stabbing of Virginia State Sen. Creigh

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doctor writing notes on a clipboard
Facts on Prescription Drug Abuse in Denver and in Colorado

Prescription drugs are playing an increasingly larger role in U.S. life, with nearly half of all Americans taking one or more medications.

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woman inside taking a pill
Let’s Make Mental Health Awareness Month Last All Year

Despite great strides in our understanding of mental illness and vast improvements in the dialogue surrounding it, too many still suffer

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