• Hours
    Monday – Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm

Sexual Dysfunction

Therapists In Denver And Nearby Specializing In Sexual Dysfunction

This specialty refers to any of a number of problems that affect sexual functioning in both sexes.

Kimberly Nuffer , LCSW

Offers sessions in-person and online

- Average patient rating

Few teen and in-person sessions available.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? – Mary Oliver, A Summer Day. Trying to figure out your...

Gender: Woman

Pronouns: She/Her

  • 3760 Vance St, Suite 303, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Kara Johnson Headshot
Kara Johnson , LPC

Offers sessions only online

Additional ratings needed to generate average

Navigating the world can be murky, difficult and anxiety inducing. Often, there isn’t a clear path. Clients come to me when they are...

Gender: Gender Non-Conforming

Pronouns: They/Them

  • Online Therapy Session, No Physical Location, CO

Photo of Angela Gould indoors standing in front of a paneled door wearing a mint green shirt
Angela Gould , Ph.D.

Offers sessions only online

Additional ratings needed to generate average

My first practicum in psychotherapy was in 1977.  I have been practicing for 42 years and still feel a great deal of excitement and...

Gender: Woman

Pronouns: Prefer not to Share

  • Online Therapy Session, No Physical Location, CO

Susan Monahan Headshot
Susan Monahan , LCSW

Offers sessions in-person and online

- Average patient rating

Susan Monahan is licensed therapist specializing in marriage therapy and couples counseling, child therapy, adolescent therapy, EMDR,...

Gender: Woman

Pronouns: She/Her

  • 200 Union Blvd. Suite 200, Lakewood, CO 80228

Jeff Nelson Headshot
Jeff Nelson , LCSW

Offers sessions only online

Additional ratings needed to generate average

Seeing patients over 18 years old.

Denver therapist, Jeff Nelson, has been with Westside Behavioral for many years and is a highly experienced, empathetic, and competent...

Gender: Man

Pronouns: He/Him

  • Online Therapy Session, No Physical Location, CO

Bonnie Mucklow
Bonnie Mucklow , CAS / LMFT / LPC

Offers sessions in-person and online

- Average patient rating

Online sessions not available for kids under 9 years old.

Greenwood Village therapist, Bonnie Mucklow, is a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), licensed professional counselor (LPC)...

Gender: Woman

Pronouns: She/Her

  • 7000 E. Belleview Ave. Suite 203, Greenwood Village, CO 80111