• Hours
    Monday – Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
Denver therapist Rebecca Hickman in a patio wearing a burgundy top

Rebecca Hickman - LPC


Offers sessions in-person and online

1325 S Colorado Blvd, Suite B108, Denver, CO 80222, Get Map & Directions

Rebecca works with clients who have experienced anxiety, depression, addiction, and survivors of abuse.

Rebecca Hickman's Private Practice Is Full

Rebecca Hickman is not accepting new clients at this time. Please visit our Schedule Online page to view providers accepting new clients or connect with our team by completing the contact form below.

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and have been practicing in the mental health and addiction field since 2006.  I am passionate about working with clients who have experienced trauma around relationships, have attachment issues, codependency, anxiety, depression, addiction, and survivors of abuse. Many people do not recognize unresolved grief, and the need to address it to heal current relationships. My expertise is also in working with losses which may go back to early childhood, or recent losses that need to be grieved.  Common areas I address are shame, obsessive thinking, being stuck in unhealthy relationships, and family of origin issues. I also teach methods that help clients change the brain, and consequently, behaviors.

Our current relationships in the world reflect our relationships with ourselves, and thus can help us to identify areas that need healing and growth. Being in personal codependency recovery, I am passionate about helping others to recover from abuse, have compassion for the self, and trust in life again. I practice from a client-centered approach in which I utilize a number of modalities based upon the needs of each client. I also address wellness from a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual standpoint.  Overall, I strongly believe that the therapeutic relationship can be one of the most powerful tools for change.


Kaiser Approved Therapist

Rebecca Hickman has been credentialed as an in-network Kaiser Permanente provider. Westside will be able to bill your Colorado Kaiser Permanente plan for the mental health services provided. Verify active Kaiser status

In-Network Insurance Accepted


Online Therapy

Rebecca Hickman offers online therapy sessions through scheduled appointments. All Westside providers have access to HIPAA compliant and secure teleconferencing software to protect client privacy. Instructions to access a scheduled session will be sent directly by the provider leading up to the appointment.


Degrees & Licenses




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